Saturday, August 1, 2009

How to spend a Friday afternoon

So the question I pose is how do you spend a wonderful Friday afternoon in San Diego? Well we spent ours at Sea World today. Chilly-Pie absolutely loves it there and Pooh Bear has Fridays off so we like to go on Fridays. Chilly-Pie loves to see Shampoo or as we all know him as Shamu. Lately our fascination has been the flamingos. Towards the end on June while we were there we noticed some eggs in the flamingo exhibit so we were very excited. On the 4th of July while we were there we were able to talk with a caretaker and he said they had approximately 30 eggs and were expecting the first ones to start hatching the following week so of course we knew we needed to go on Friday. When we got there on the 10th of July we looked and looked and could not find any babies until finally I saw a little head peeking out from under a parent.

We went to see different animals after waiting a while for the baby to show it’s self. On our way back from the turtles and sea stars we stopped again and there was the little on standing under Mom it was so cute. There was a trainer out and she had told us he had been born on the 5th. And she was observing waiting to see if there were any more babies. It is so cool how much we have learned about flamingos. The ones at our Sea World have all been hand reared and Sea World has not mated their flamingos in 5 years. They were shocked that the flamingos knew what to do being they were hand reared as they starting showings sign they wanted to build nest Sea World provided them the mud they needed for the nest. Sea World does not interfere with the nesting at all they let the flamingos do all the raising. They are male and female pairs that both take care of the young. Both the male and females have a gland in their necks that produce milk for the young. As the young getter older they start to turn the pretty coral color and the parents turn whiter because they are giving the babies all their beta carotene. It has just been so neat learning about the flamingos they are such cool animals.

We have so much fun when we go and Chilly-Pie just has a blast and she loves to run in the grass. So that is the answer to my question we take in the sites at Sea World Pooh Bear and I have dubbed it random Fridays. I look so forward to spending my Fridays with Pooh Bear and Chilly-Pie loves her Ayla.
These are a couple pictures from today

I'm gonna beat you. No I'm gonna beat you. No I'm gonna beat you.

Hey I wanna go see Shampoo. No let's go to pets rule.

And then one of Chilly-Pie with her Ayla.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Little Angel

Our little angel entered this world on January 8th 2007. She has had such an impact on our lives and it started at birth. I will rewind nine months though I was at breakfast with a friend of mine on May 11th 2006 for her birthday and I was telling I just did not feel well the last few days and I was extremely tired she suggested I take a test. That day I took a test and much to my surprise it was positive. I was very excited but yet scared what everyone would say about us having another baby. We actually waited quite a while before telling anyone we were pregnant again. This pregnancy was so different then the other two. I had a deep feeling from the moment found out I was pregnant she was a girl it was the weirdest feeling. I also felt her move a lot I think she must have been more forward then Chilly-Dog and Chilly-Fry or something you could even see her move inside me. I thought it was so neat that every morning when I was taking Chilly-Dog and Chilly-Fry to school she would kick. At my first prenatal appointment they did an ultrasound to find my due date and boy was I surprised when they said she was due January 16th 2007 no way on her Sisters and Papaws birthday. We had decided that if she were indeed a girl her middle name would be Faye to honor my Moms Aunt who had passed right after we found out we were expecting. After finding out she was indeed a girl we had decided to name her Dorothea Faye she would be named after her great grandmother and her great great Aunt. A couple months later I was coming home from dropping the kids off at school and on the radio someone said the name Chilly-Pie and I was instantly in love with the name I just knew that was her name. Chilly-Pepper agreed with me and loved the name also so it was decided she would be Chilly-Pie now came the fact that I did not like the first name and middle name combo with the two “F” sounds. I came up with adding my great Grandmother’s name to the mix so she would be Chilly-Pie Madelin-Faye I loved it. My pregnancy with Chilly-Pie was very uneventful I did have a lot uf hip pain but other than that no complications. Along comes January and I had an appointment on Thursday the 4th and that appointment showed that there would be no baby anytime soon. I asked my doctor what the chances were that I could have her on the 16th and he said there was no way that he would just be setting me up for a c-section that I was nowhere near ready. I was really bummed I was kind of looking forward to adding a 3rd birthday to that day. So fast forward to Sunday the 7th and evening comes and I start to realize I had not felt her move all day long so I got a cold drink lied down and tried to get her moving with no success at this time I am getting scared since she was such an active little one. So we load up and started heading to the hospital which was about a 15 to 20 minute drive. We were not on the road 5 minutes and she started to move around so I was thinking let’s just go home she is fine Chilly-Pepper was thinking the same thing to himself I find out later. We continued to the hospital it just felt right. So I got to the hospital and they hooked me up to the monitors and I sat for an hour with her moving away. My doctor was on call and came in and said I had a heart deceleration while being monitored so they were going to go ahead and induce me. They got me all started on the induction process about midnight Chilly-Pepper and the kids went home because they said it would be awhile and I hoped that my cervix would cooperate luckily it did and about 8 o’clock the next morning they started the pitocin. I had a terrible time with them her stating on the monitors I don’t think she liked the monitors at all so I constantly had to be moved around. My parents and the kids showed up around 1:45 in the afternoon they went to the cafeteria to get something to eat and things moved very fast. We started having terrible problems keeping her on the monitor and she was decels in her heartrate some I soon had a room full of people and the urge to push I was so afraid at the point I would be having the c-section after all. My sister was racing to get my parents and kids back because she was coming and it was fast. When the doctor came in she told me I could push without even setting up the table and she was born on the bed at 2:10 p.m. She also did not cry they put her straight on me and I was scared because she was not crying but they said as long as she was pink she was fine. As I sat there holding her and just looking at her she was the only one I got to hold without her being rushed away. The doctor at this time was collecting her cord blood for donation as she says I am hoping I can get enough blood because the placenta is detaching. I was able to hold her for an hour and a half until they took her to clean her up. She was born on January 8th 2007 and that is exactly 100 years after my great grandmother was born whom Chilly-Pie has gotten her middle name from. I do see a lot of my grandmother in her also it is great kind of freaks me out at times when I think about how much she is like her and to think the doctor said there was no way she would be here before the 16th just 3 days before her birth. Over the summer I was talking with my Mom’s cousin and I found out the my Aunt Faye’s all time favorite girls name was Chilly-Pie so that has really opened my eyes quite a bit about our angel. Now to why we call her angel it is because I truly believe she is one and she is here for a reason had I not listened to my body that Sunday night we may not have a Chilly-Pie her on earth because her placenta would have detach and she would have lost her life. I thank whatever powers to be out there that made us continue onto the hospital. Chilly-Pie is such a wonderful 2 ½ year old she loves to dance and have fun. She cracks us up every day she is such a joy in our life.

Chilly-Pie Madelin-Faye
January 8th 2007
6 pounds 12 ounces
19 inches

Pinching Your Pennies

Check out this cool blog it has great ideas for saving money on it. I have just found this blog but I am lovong it.

My Little Princess

On January 16th 2001 I had another life changes event in my life my Little Princess was born. After having Chilly-Dog we always new we would have more children plus I still wanted to have a little girl. We Chilly-Dog was 18 months old we decided we would try to have another baby I wanted them to be close in age and I was ready little did we know the struggle that was ahead of us. We tried for 2 ½ years before getting our little one. I went through infertility treatments that did not work due to my PCOS and in October of 1999 I was told that my tubes were probably blocked and it would be a couple hundred dollars to check. We did not have that kind of money so we just thought it was over for us. I remember in March of 2000 I was in so much pain in my abdominal area I know why I think my tubes were clearing. In May of 2000 I got sick and just did not feel well and got to thinking I wonder so I took a test and it was positive. I knew exactly when I had gotten pregnant it was April 9th 2000. We were so happy and with in a couple days of that my Sister also found out she was pregnant. That was even better. My due date ended up being January 6th 2001. When we went to the ultrasound to find out what we were having we were very nervous I really wanted to have a little girl. My sister had already found out she was having a little girl and she already had one so I just knew for sure it would be a boy. When the technician said it was a little girl I cried I was so happy. After that I felt so bad that I got so emotional over finding out I was having a girl but I knew deep down I would have been happy either way. After finding out, we then starting looking for a name we knew her middle name would be Marie and she would be a 5 generation. I went through a baby name book and wrote down all the names I liked and gave it to my husband we quickly decided on Chilly-Fry as soon as we knew the meaning of the name. Chilly-Fry is Welsh for Witch Goddess and Chilly-Fry was the goddess of fertility there was not a more perfect name for her. The pregnancy with her went really well I did not have very much morning sickness with her and the only aversion I really had was any drink with sugar in it. As my due date approached I was getting antsier and wanting to meet her especially since my sister who was due the same time as me had already had her baby on New Years Eve. January 6th came and went and there was no baby. My doctor was going to let me go over due and was not going to induce until the 17th. I requested to be induced on the 16th because that is my Dad’s birthday and I wanted her born that day. So the morning of the 16th came and we were up early and calling the doctors only to find out there were no beds available we would have to wait until later in the day. I was finally admitted and hooked up to all the meds around 2 in the afternoon. I started laboring right away with her and labored hard they gave me my epidural which did not work with her. Once they broke her water there was no turning around with her she came very fast. She did cut it very close though she was born at 9:12 p.m. I had just known that since the labor got started so late I would not get my January 16th baby. But she made it into the world at 9:12 p.m. 10 days over due but still safe and if I go off my calculations the 16th would have been here due date. She also did not cry after being born. She actually had everyone very worried they called in the entire ICU team on her in the end though they dubbed her nice and healthy and she just did not want to cry she did not ever cry for the first time until she had her bath. Chilly-Fry was a very needy baby I told my Mom when she was a week old she had issues she was so needy she needed to have constant attention. I would definitely attest to the fact that girls and boys are two totally different babies. She has grown into such a sweet and loving 8 year old over the years. She always thinks of others first and wants to make sure all others are taken care of a fine example of this is every time she gets up to get a drink she will always ask everyone else in the room if they want something. She is also very artistic just like her Papa she loves to sit and draw she is even starting to show an interest in design. She absolutely loves school and was upset when summer break got here. Her and my Dad her Papaw have such an amazing bond also with sharing the birthday. I look forward to seeing what kind of a woman she will become on the coming years.

Chilly-Fry Marie
January 16, 2001
7 pounds 11 ounces
21 1/2 inches

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lil' Peanut

On November 7th 1995 at 11:12 p.m. my life forever changed my son entered this world. In March of 1995 I had went to the ER because I was having an asthma attack while there I was asked if I could be pregnant. I figured I was not but went ahead and done a test anyway because I knew there could always be a chance. Much to my surprise the doctor brought me back a little yellow piece of paper that said + pregnancy boy was I shocked. I did not know what I was going to do that night I showed Chilly-Pepper the paper and he was shocked but excited. I had a very long pregnancy with him I had terrible morning sickness I would literally throw up every day. I had lost 26 pounds while pregnant with him. 2 weeks before having him I was told that I could stop taking my prenatal vitamins because that is probably what was making me sick and sure enough it was. So I can say I did get a 2 week period where I was not sick and was feeling good. I craved Mc Donald’s fish filets like there was no other I had to have a least one a day. I also ate a lot of tomato soup and grilled chesse sandwiches. I was unable to even handle the smell of Chinese food it would make me so sick. We could not agree on a name for anything we had agreed that we would not find out the sex of the baby and let it be a surprise. We had picked out Aspen Marie for a little girl but could not agree on the boys name. One week before having him I was watching Pet Cemetery and absolutely feel in love with the name Gage the little boy in the movie. I looked over at Chilly-Pepper who was drawing at the time and asked him what do you think and he loved it so there it was we had the name but I wanted it to be different so I asked how about we add a “D” to it and he also liked it. A couple days later while at work he found the name Chilly-Dog in a baby book and the meaning was Father/Creatures Pride it was even more perfect. On Monday November 6th I woke uo feeling a little wet and did not think much of it. I spent the day at my friend Stacie’s house like I usually did we had our soup and just had a good day together. Later that night while making dinner I told Chilly-Pepper about it and questioned you know maybe we should go get checked out so I stopped dinner and we went to the hospital that was just down the street just to be checked. Note to self and others always eat first. At the hospital I was told that I was leaking my bag of waters and needed to go to a different hospital because they did not do deliveries well I had not planned on having the baby there any way I wanted to be at the women’s hospital. So I was told to go straight to the hospital after getting to the hospital while waiting in triage my water broke all over the place. I was admitted to the hospital and taken to my room. I was put on pitocin because I was not laboring at all on my own. Things were going slowly but he was coming. I had wanted to labor naturally but he was sitting on my sciatic nerve and it was causing so much pain in my leg I asked for an epidural. I got great relief from it. Tuesday night about 10 p.m. my jerk of a doctor threatened me with a c-section if I had not had him by midnight I still think he only wanted to be able to sleep and not be up all night with me laboring. So at 10:45 p.m. I had an urge to push and at 11:12 p.m. my little peanut came in to the world and a little peanut he was. He was very quiet at birth and never cried but man he was very alert looking all around and grabbing onto all the nurses and their equipment. When they brought him to me all I could see were his big blue eyes. He was so cute and I could not believe that this little boy had picked me to be his Mommy what had I done so right. He was such a great baby he was always very content and happy I could not have asked for anything better. As the years have gone by he has blossomed into such a great young man. He is caring towards others great at school in all honors classes. I cannot believe that 13 ½ years have passed already with him and that he is going into high school. I love him so much and can’t wait to see what becomes of him in the next few years.

Chilly-Dog James
November 7, 1995
5 pounds 7 ounces
18 1/2 inches

Monday, July 27, 2009

Oh the heat!

So I had wanted to update every day but obviously found that hard this last weekend was a very busy one. We spent the weekend at my Father-in-Laws house in Indio. We left Friday after Chilly-Pepper got off work. It is a two and a half hour drive not including traffic. We got there between 7:30 and 8:00. After getting there we had dinner then went swimming since it was still probably 85 degrees out. We had a late night got up Saturday had breakfast and then spent the afternoon swimming again in the 100 plus degree weather. It is really sad that we all put lotion on and still got sun burnt. We spent the late afternoon socializing and eating dinner. We then played cards for a while. Sunday we got up and had breakfast then got our stuff ready to head back to San Diego. We skipped swimming again since we got so burnt the day before. Before leaving Indio we went to a super cool grocery store called Win Co we defiantly need one here in San Diego. We then went to Sonics for lunch and headed home. It was a busy hot and tiring weekend but we did have fun. I hope to get back in the groove tomorrow with posting. Tomorrow should be Chilly-Dogs Day.