On November 7th 1995 at 11:12 p.m. my life forever changed my son entered this world. In March of 1995 I had went to the ER because I was having an asthma attack while there I was asked if I could be pregnant. I figured I was not but went ahead and done a test anyway because I knew there could always be a chance. Much to my surprise the doctor brought me back a little yellow piece of paper that said + pregnancy boy was I shocked. I did not know what I was going to do that night I showed Chilly-Pepper the paper and he was shocked but excited. I had a very long pregnancy with him I had terrible morning sickness I would literally throw up every day. I had lost 26 pounds while pregnant with him. 2 weeks before having him I was told that I could stop taking my prenatal vitamins because that is probably what was making me sick and sure enough it was. So I can say I did get a 2 week period where I was not sick and was feeling good. I craved Mc Donald’s fish filets like there was no other I had to have a least one a day. I also ate a lot of tomato soup and grilled chesse sandwiches. I was unable to even handle the smell of Chinese food it would make me so sick. We could not agree on a name for anything we had agreed that we would not find out the sex of the baby and let it be a surprise. We had picked out Aspen Marie for a little girl but could not agree on the boys name. One week before having him I was watching Pet Cemetery and absolutely feel in love with the name Gage the little boy in the movie. I looked over at Chilly-Pepper who was drawing at the time and asked him what do you think and he loved it so there it was we had the name but I wanted it to be different so I asked how about we add a “D” to it and he also liked it. A couple days later while at work he found the name Chilly-Dog in a baby book and the meaning was Father/Creatures Pride it was even more perfect. On Monday November 6th I woke uo feeling a little wet and did not think much of it. I spent the day at my friend Stacie’s house like I usually did we had our soup and just had a good day together. Later that night while making dinner I told Chilly-Pepper about it and questioned you know maybe we should go get checked out so I stopped dinner and we went to the hospital that was just down the street just to be checked. Note to self and others always eat first. At the hospital I was told that I was leaking my bag of waters and needed to go to a different hospital because they did not do deliveries well I had not planned on having the baby there any way I wanted to be at the women’s hospital. So I was told to go straight to the hospital after getting to the hospital while waiting in triage my water broke all over the place. I was admitted to the hospital and taken to my room. I was put on pitocin because I was not laboring at all on my own. Things were going slowly but he was coming. I had wanted to labor naturally but he was sitting on my sciatic nerve and it was causing so much pain in my leg I asked for an epidural. I got great relief from it. Tuesday night about 10 p.m. my jerk of a doctor threatened me with a c-section if I had not had him by midnight I still think he only wanted to be able to sleep and not be up all night with me laboring. So at 10:45 p.m. I had an urge to push and at 11:12 p.m. my little peanut came in to the world and a little peanut he was. He was very quiet at birth and never cried but man he was very alert looking all around and grabbing onto all the nurses and their equipment. When they brought him to me all I could see were his big blue eyes. He was so cute and I could not believe that this little boy had picked me to be his Mommy what had I done so right. He was such a great baby he was always very content and happy I could not have asked for anything better. As the years have gone by he has blossomed into such a great young man. He is caring towards others great at school in all honors classes. I cannot believe that 13 ½ years have passed already with him and that he is going into high school. I love him so much and can’t wait to see what becomes of him in the next few years.
Chilly-Dog James
November 7, 1995
5 pounds 7 ounces
18 1/2 inches
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
1 comment:
awww... what an adorable pic!!
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